Sunday, April 11, 2010

Baby Furniture - What Every Parent Needs to Know

A great joy for the young parents is to prepare everything necessary for the new family member, their baby! With the installation of the baby in his own room, it comes a few things that are essential for the proper care of the baby.

Baby room furniture should be placed in the best way to be more practical and useful. Planning the way in which the furniture will be arranged must be done before buying the furniture. You can try to make a plan on paper and you can opt either for buying the furniture, or to handmade it.

Swaddle table. Keep in mind that you will swaddle your baby for a long time several times a day. It is important therefore, that the swaddle to on be convenient and practical for your child! The area where the baby is changed must measure at least 70 x 80 cm in length and have a side fence for child safety.

Mattress care must be provided with an easily cleaned surface. It is good that the baby clothes not to be mixed with parents things or with the clothes of other children. Therefore, chest of drawers and winding surface is preferred instead folding sets of hygiene without drawers.

Setting the site where you will place the baby crib is the most important thing. Do not position the crib near the window or door, for the sake of light, air flow. Try to put it over the wall, and if the room is large enough you can put it perpendicular the wall to have access from both sides. As you use a small part of the wall, you can use it for other furniture.

If you want a round crib, you can either put it in a corner or in the center of the room, to the extent that your space permits. If you put the bed in the centre of the room give an impression of comfort and space. You could add a canopy if you like the idea. In the mattresses, the variety of prices and models is extremely high. There are mattresses made of natural materials (coconut, hay, grass,) but also synthetic foam mattresses. Don't make economy when you choose the mattresses! It is vital for your healthy and harmonious development of your child!

Wall shelves add a utility space for different objects that you use or even for objects of decoration. If you have available a small space, choose a library rather narrow and high wider one, to have the best use of the room. Closet with toys occupy less space in the room, so you can put it anywhere you have left an unused space.